Ndumu virus

Ndumu virus is a virus that belongs to the genus Alpha viruses and the Togavirus family. It is classified as an environmental group of arboviruses, antigenic group A, and its pathogenicity to humans has not been established. NDUMU virus was discovered in 1975 in Tanzania and was originally named Ndumu virus because it was found in people suffering from Ndumu fever in the Ndumu region of southern Tanzania.

Ndumu virus is a member of the Togavirus family, which includes many viruses, including West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, and yellow fever virus. The Togavirus family includes viruses that infect birds and insects, but can also infect humans.

Although Ndumu virus was discovered in Tanzania, it can be found in many regions of Africa, as well as in other countries around the world. It is transmitted through mosquito bites and can cause fever, headache, muscle pain, fatigue and other symptoms.

Although Ndumu virus has not been officially recognized as pathogenic to humans, some studies have shown that it can cause mild symptoms in humans. However, due to the lack of sufficient data on its pathogenicity, it is recommended to take precautions when exposed to mosquitoes in areas where Ndumu virus is common.

Ndumu virus is currently under control and monitoring as it is a potential source of infection for humans and animals. Additionally, research continues to further understand the virus and develop effective treatments and prevention.

Dangerous viruses in the world

**NDUMU virus** belongs to the togavirus family. This is an arbovirus infection - an infectious disease with a natural focal infection. The main carrier of viruses is mosquitoes of the genus Culex, whose habitat is the tropics and subtropics. To date, the infection has been detected in 30 countries, but there is no registration of it in Russia.

Ndumu disease virus (genus Alphavirus, family Togaviridae) is a complex viral particle from the togavirus family, common in East and South Asia. Very close to the tick-borne encephalitis virus from the same family. Opened in 1945. The virus is called by different peoples “ndumu”, “ndenemu”, non-nebian encephalomyelitis, etc. The causative agent of acute febrile diseases of the alphavirus family.