
Incontinence is involuntary, uncontrolled bowel activity that can occur in people of any age and gender. In English, the term “incontinence” is used to refer to this condition. In this article we will look at several types of incontinence and the reasons that can lead to this condition.

First of all, it is important to note that incontinence is not exclusively a female problem. Men also suffer from this unpleasant condition, although they experience it less frequently than the fair sex. The most common cause of incontinence is weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and continence control after childbirth. This is due to the fact that during childbirth

Incontinence is an involuntary loss of control over the functions of the pelvic organs, which can manifest itself either in the form of urinary incontinence in stressful situations or in the form of uncontrolled bowel movements. This problem is very common for people of all ages and genders. In this article we will look at how incontinence is determined, the causes of its occurrence and methods of treating this disease.

In medicine, incontinence is divided into two types: urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence.

Urinary incontinence is the inability to control the flow of urine and the ability for it to pass beyond the expected location. In a condition where incontinence occurs only during physical stress, for example, when sneezing, coughing, sighing, putting your feet down from the bed, etc., this condition is called stress incontinence. In this case, the body empties the bladder too quickly, causing urine to leak during or after these movements.

Another type of incontinence is called overflow incontinence, which occurs when the bladder