Race Negro-Australoidnaya

**Race Negro-Autraloid or Equatorial**

The race of black and Asian women mixed with Europeans and other nationalities, giving birth to a completely unique group of people. This group inherited the characteristic features of their ancestors - first of all, dark brown skin color, wide black eyes, thick hair and, of course, a rounded nose. Some of the blacks and Australoids have noticeable facial hair, even deeper pores, like Africans, and some of the light Caucasians have melanism - a dark skin tone.

Belonging to the Negroid group is revealed by the place of residence of the ancestors: if they lived in Africa, then the genetics of the descendants will, accordingly, be African. If grandparents lived in European countries, say, in Great Britain, where there were once colonies of the Spaniards and Italians, then the genetics will also be European. This gives an idea of ​​the ethnic processes of race mixing and their nature of transmission. It is worth noting that before drawing conclusions about what race a person belongs to, you should pay attention to his cultural and anthropological appearance, as well as his physical structure. But there is nothing wrong with maintaining a cultural ancestral connection with any country.

For ease of use of statistical table data, scientists created a two-member gradation of Negroid races: Negroid and equatorial. Although distinctions can be made between these two groups, they are closely related. Both groups are considered transitional races, as they mix features of the North African and South African races. However, these latter features are so insignificant that researchers rarely pay attention to them. As often happens with terms, the boundaries between the Negroid and Equatorial races have undergone modification, but for statistical purposes the original version is taken as the basis. In Europe, the Equatoroids became what are called "black" or "colored". Today they are almost identical to their African brothers. The division of this race into “African” and “Negroid-Equatorial” is purely historical.