Needle Punch

The pincer needle is one of the most popular instruments in medicine. This instrument is used for percutaneous biopsy of solid organs. It consists of two thin-walled tubes inserted into each other, with matching windows, which cut off a piece of tissue when the inner needle moves along the outer channel.

The punch needle has several advantages over other biopsy instruments. Firstly, it provides high precision and accuracy when removing a piece of tissue. Thanks to the matching windows, the punching needle allows you to accurately determine the location of tissue collection and avoid damage to surrounding tissue.

In addition, this tool has high operating speed. It allows you to quickly and efficiently remove pieces of tissue from the parenchyma without the need for additional instruments. This is especially important when performing biopsies under time pressure or when rapid diagnosis is required.

Another advantage of the punching needle is its safety. It does not damage surrounding tissue, which avoids complications and reduces the risk of infections.

In general, the punching needle is a reliable and convenient tool for performing biopsies of parenchymal organs. Its use allows you to quickly and accurately remove pieces of tissue, ensuring safety and high diagnostic accuracy.

A needle punch, also known as a needle punch or microbipsy, is an instrument that is used in medicine to collect samples of living tissue, such as biopsy specimens. This instrument consists of an inner and outer tube that are connected to each other and have specific intersection points.

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