Salt Loss Jade

Jade with loss of salt - This is one of the most common complications of kidney disease. It is characterized by a disruption in the process of resorption of salts from urine into the blood, which leads to the loss of sodium, potassium and other electrolytes.

Salt-losing interstitial nephritis is a form of chronic kidney disease that can be caused by various factors such as infections, autoimmune processes, toxic exposures, etc. Symptoms of this disease may include swelling, decreased appetite, fatigue, headache, increased blood pressure and etc.

Treatment for salt-wasting interstitial nephritis includes diet, medications to normalize electrolyte balance and control blood pressure, and therapy to address the cause of the disease.

It is important to note that if left untreated, interstitial nephritis can lead to serious complications such as kidney failure, hypertension and other diseases. Therefore, if symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and selection of optimal treatment.

Salt-losing nephritis is a disease characterized by damage to cells in the kidneys, which leads to disruption of the process of filtering and removing fluid from the body. This is a form of interstitial nephritis, that is, a disease that is not associated with inflammation. Nephritis is largely associated with age-related changes in the body and disorders of the kidneys. Causes usually include:

1. Diabetes mellitus

2. Long-term use of certain medications

3. Infections

4. Medicines

5. Irradiation

6. Hemorrhages in the kidneys

7. Other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and gout

8. Bacterial infections

9. Heredity

Nephritis can manifest itself in various forms, but the most common is nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by protein in the urine, swelling and other symptoms such as weakness and fatigue. Severe loss of proteins in the urine also leads to exhaustion of the body and decreased kidney function. Kidney disease may also cause other symptoms, such as:

- Pain in the kidney area

- Decrease in urine volume

- Increased urea levels in the blood

Treatment of the underlying disease is carried out in conjunction with the treatment of nephritis with loss of salts. Diet for this disease is an important factor in the treatment of nephritis and consists of the following principles:

* limit sodium intake * lower blood glucose levels * control blood pressure * increase potassium intake

Sudden loss of salts affects the functioning of the body as a whole, and complications can include metabolic disturbances, cramps and dehydration. The prognosis depends on the cause and severity of nephritis kidney damage, even if loss is limited by proper treatment. In some cases, chronic loss of salts is accompanied by