Nephropexy is a surgical operation that involves fixing a mobile kidney to the twelfth rib and the adjacent area of the posterior abdominal wall. The purpose of this intervention is to prevent the kidney from descending when a person stands, which occurs with nephroptosis.
During nephropexy, the surgeon makes an incision in the lumbar region, exposes the kidney and secures it to the posterior abdominal wall with suture material. This allows you to secure the kidney in the correct anatomical position and prevents it from descending and moving when the body position changes.
Indications for nephropexy are severe nephroptosis with symptoms (pain, dysuria) and ineffectiveness of conservative therapy. Surgery helps stabilize the kidney, relieve symptoms, and prevent possible complications associated with kidney prolapse.
Nephropexy or nephrorehu is a surgical operation to fix a mobile (prolapsed) kidney. It may be necessary for nephroptosis, a condition in which the kidney droops and is not in its normal position. Nephropexy helps prevent further kidney prolapse and improve the patient's quality of life.
Nephropexy is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision in the back that runs from the rib to the lower edge of the kidney. The kidney is then fixed to the twelfth rib and the adjacent area of the posterior abdominal wall. This allows you to prevent its further descent and stabilize the position of the kidney.
After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for 1 to 3 days. During this time, he may be prescribed antibiotics and painkillers. After discharge from the hospital, the patient must wear a special bandage to maintain the correct position of the kidney.
Overall, nephropexy is an effective treatment for nephroptosis and can improve the quality of life of patients. However, before performing the operation, it is necessary to carefully assess the condition of the kidney and decide on the need for its fixation.
Nephropecchia is a surgical intervention aimed at restoring the normal position of the kidney in the peritoneum. Kidney problems occur frequently and are often accompanied by a deterioration in a person’s general condition. The operation is performed when conservative methods do not bring the desired result or when complications develop. Surgery involves fixing the kidney