Графология (Graphology)

Graphology is a science that studies samples of a person’s handwriting in order to determine the characteristics of his psychological state and health.

The founder of graphology is considered to be the French abbot Jean-Hippolyte Michon, who published the book “Treatise on Graphology” in 1870. In it, he first systematized knowledge about the connection between handwriting and human personality.

By analyzing handwriting samples, a graphologist can draw conclusions about a person’s character, temperament, emotional state and other psychological characteristics. In addition, it is sometimes possible to determine whether a person has certain diseases based on their handwriting. For example, a slight tremor in handwriting may indicate neurosis or increased excitability. Changes in the size and inclination of letters may indicate cardiovascular disease.

Thus, graphology allows you to obtain valuable information about the inner world and physical state of a person by analyzing such accessible material as handwriting. Although graphology is currently not recognized as an exact science, it is actively used in psychological counseling and personnel management.


Graphology is a science that studies handwriting patterns to determine psychological traits and conditions of a person. As the name suggests, it is based on graphic representation - the writing of words. Graphologists believe that handwritten words convey information about the psychological well-being of the writer. And although this science

Graphology is a field of science that studies handwriting patterns to determine a person's psychological state and health. This science is not only interesting, but also useful, since handwriting can reveal conditions such as minor tremors, signs of nervous and even cardiac strain. Graphological research is becoming increasingly popular among medicine and psychology, as well as in education and work. In this article we will take a closer look at what graphology is, what types of writing are studied, and how information about handwriting is used in everyday life.

Definition First, you need to understand what graphological analysis is. This is a whole complex of methods for studying manuscripts and handwriting. The task of a graphologist is research work, processing of results and their interpretation to determine the mental state and physical state of the writer or the person to whom the manuscript is addressed. Using modern scientific tools and methods, a graphologist can obtain information about what the subject’s mental state is, what problems need to be addressed to a specialist, how balanced a man or woman is in a given period of time, and so on. - Classification of handwriting Depending on the combination of various factors, several types of handwriting are distinguished: - based on motives: objective and subjective; - by content: graphic and handwritten; - depending on the predominance of various elements: angular and rounded; - in terms of configuration: intersecting, parallel, independent, mixed; - lowercase and uppercase, or uppercase and italic, by letter size, by font and half-linear, calligraphic, hesitant, large, medium, small, sweeping, spontaneous, mirror and others. In this case, the handwriting is classified into sweeping, tense and massive. Have you ever written? If they wrote, then how? Badly,

Graphological analysis of handwriting is a relatively new diagnostic method that is used to determine the personality characteristics, motivation, anxiety and other character traits of a person from his handwritten text. It is the process of analyzing and interpreting graphic elements such as size, shape, direction, and other properties of letters, words, and sentences. Graphological analysis can help determine specific personality characteristics related to culture, education, moral principles, ability to socially adapt and other aspects of behavior.

What is graphology?

Graphology is the science of handwriting, concerned with the study of the visual characteristics of writing. Several centuries ago, a set of these characteristics was part of the herbal and pathological medicine of the East. In the West, the development of this science occurred during the Renaissance - a period of great change. One of the first who began to study this science and educate people was Morhash Penera (1783-1859). He, being a doctor, also created a scheme for analyzing handwriting. For his work, he was presented as a celebrity in 1985 by Queen Victoria. In the USA, graphological research has been carried out since 1875. This analysis is based on a person's handwriting. By analyzing handwriting and characterizing the written text, one can draw conclusions about the person who wrote this text. With the development of computer technology, graphological analysis has taken a new stage in development. Nowadays, for the convenience of the user, many websites have been created where everything necessary for text analysis is carried out interactively. Also, to take into account all those factors that prevented an accurate analysis of handwriting, certain rules were introduced. In Russia, this science was developed by psychologist Boris Frei. The purpose of the study is to find out what handwriting can tell about a person. After all, this means that by studying the visual images of a font, a person can trace the pattern of their appearance, objectively describe his state and select the reasons for his actions. But all this has not yet been sufficiently studied, so the study and its applicability are currently not such a massive study. Perhaps because a graphologist must study thousands of handwritten samples to develop a particular skill. Our writer, trying to focus the attention of the scientific community on this issue, in November 2014 tested his knowledge in the field of graphology in one of the research centers in Moscow.