
Neuropharmacology is a science that studies the effects of various substances on the nervous system and its functioning. This is a field of medicine that uses drugs to treat various diseases of the nervous system, including depression, anxiety, pain, sleep disorders, etc. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of neuropharmacology and their application in medicine.

What are neuropharmacological agents?

A neuropharmacological agent is an active substance that changes the effect of a synapse (the electrical potential transmitted through glutamate between two neurons). The effect may increase or decrease synaptic activation. These effects may influence pain sensation and emotional function. Neuropharmacological agents include opiates, amphetamines, antidepressants (antidepressants can be tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors or tetracyclics), antipsychotics (tranquilizers) and many others.

Don't greet recklessly! Even if your condition has no cause for concern, each case has its own “recipe”. Therefore, you need to visit a doctor. As soon as the doctors make a verdict and prescribe the appropriate treatment, you should immediately begin to implement it. Today it is impossible to say exactly why this or that inaction is dangerous. It acts on the body like water on hot coals. It evaporates, and the residue remains on the surface.