Intangible, Impalpable

Impalpable - this term is used to describe structures located inside the body that cannot be felt with the hand (or are felt with great difficulty).

Structures such as lymph nodes, prostate glands, or testicles are normally intangible to palpation. However, with inflammation, enlargement or other pathological changes, these organs may become palpable.

The intangibility of an organ upon examination may indicate its normal condition. At the same time, if there are other symptoms of an organ disease, but it cannot be palpated during palpation, this may indicate the peculiarities of its anatomical location or the presence of changes that are not accessible to palpation.

Therefore, determination by touch is an important, but not the only method for diagnosing the condition of internal organs. To make an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive examination using various imaging methods and laboratory tests is necessary.

The intangible and intangible structures within our bodies are one of the most mysterious and interesting topics in medicine. These structures are located deep in our body and cannot be detected or felt with our hands. In this article we will look at what intangible and intangible structures are, how they affect human health and what methods are used to study them.

Intangible and intangible structures

Intangible and impalpable structures are those structures in our body that are located inside the tissue, but cannot be felt or palpated. These structures can be microscopic or macroscopic and can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. These structures include blood vessels, nerves, cells, proteins, fats and other components.

The study of intangible and intangible structures is important for understanding the functioning of our body and identifying various diseases. For example, examining blood vessels can determine the presence of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, or other heart diseases. Neurological diseases can also be detected by examining the nerves.

Methods for studying intangible and imperceptible structures

Various methods are used to study intangible and intangible structures, such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) and many others. Ultrasound diagnostics provides images of internal organs, while MRI and CT provide more detailed images of tissues and structures.

However, despite all the advances in the field of research into intangible and imperceptible structures, much still remains unknown and mysterious. The study of these structures continues to be one of the most important tasks in medicine and science in general.


The intangible and intangible structures inside our body play an important role in our lives. They ensure the functioning of all organs and systems of our body.

Intangible, intangible: history and reasons for the emergence of the term

Every day we come across various terminological expressions used in medicine. And they always describe certain organs of the body, diseases and pathologies. Many of these terms came to us from other languages ​​- English, Latvian