Essential oils for baby massage

Children's massage using essential oils increases its effectiveness several times. Depending on what oil is used, you can achieve one or another result. For example, essential oil of rose, lavender or chamomile has a calming effect on the child, and mint helps normalize digestion.

The sense of smell is an important element for understanding the world around us. Already from the seventeenth week of pregnancy, the sense of smell of the unborn child is completely ready to perform its duties.

Baby massage oil

Baby massage using essential oils

The sense of smell helps a newborn baby recognize his mother and father and feel protected. It is for this reason that experts recommend not using essential oils with odors in massage. Since baby's skin is very sensitive, it is recommended to use pure oils based on cold-pressed fruits and vegetables.

Experts do not recommend using industrially produced oils, since a significant part is absorbed and enters the body.

What oils to use

It is worth noting that industrially produced oils have a base of inorganic origin, during the processing of which chemicals can be used: acids, alkalis, solvents. Also, such oils generally do not contain important nutrients - vitamins E, A, K.

Pediatricians around the world strongly do not recommend using these mineral oils in massage for newborns, as they clog pores, dry out the skin and, if ingested, can cause serious harm to the baby's health.

Oils obtained from plants by cold pressing have healing properties. These oils do not contain any added solvents or additives. They contain nutrients of natural origin.

Apricot oil is produced from the skin and pulp of the fruit. Sweet almond oil is produced by the same process. These oils are absorbed very well by the skin and are easily applied to the skin, allowing for soft touches. They contain fatty acids that promote effective and gentle care for baby's sensitive skin. Since the oil is obtained naturally without heating, all vitamins and minerals are completely preserved. Therefore, these oils do not dry the skin, but nourish and moisturize it.

Sweet almond oil

Sweet almond essential oil

What oils to use for little ones

Some essential oils are an excellent addition to infant massage. A prerequisite: pure essential oils must be diluted in a small amount of carrier oil.

Children's dosage: per one tablespoon of carrier oil

  1. up to one year - 1 drop;
  2. children 1-5 years old - 2-3 drops;
  3. children 5-10 years old - 3-5 drops;
  4. over 10 years - 5-7 drops.

Experts recommend using the following essential oils for massage:

  1. sweet almond and apricot oils - perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  2. lavender - has an analgesic and calming effect;
  3. chamomile - relieves inflammation, great for sensitive skin;
  4. mint - fights digestive problems, has a refreshing effect;
  5. eucalyptus - useful for respiratory diseases;
  6. rosemary - has a restorative effect.

In any case, consult with your doctor before use to ensure proper and safe use of oils to massage your baby.