Too much ejaculation before intercourse

The reason for this is in the seed, or in the seminal vessels, or in the kidneys, or in the muscle that preserves the seed, or in the initial sources. The reason that is rooted in the seed may be the abundance of seed due to the rarity of copulation and the intake of substances that generate seed. If there is a lot of seed and the seminal vessels are overfilled with it, this forces the vessels to expel the movement through compression and leads to the opening of the duct through which its excess is expelled. Or it comes from a liquid that seeps out, as all liquids seep out, or from sharpness and acridity, as a result of which a burning sensation is caused, and the nature is forced to expel it. And the reason hidden in the seminal vessels is either the weakness of the holding force due to a disorder of nature, or the power of the expelling force, or a disease of the instrument - spasm or tension, forcing disgraceful movements. Because of this, the expelling force begins to move and pushes out the seed, as if pushing out some other irritant, just as vomiting occurs when the stomach is irritated by something other than food. Generally speaking, the spasm itself contracts, and the contraction releases the seed. Know that a spasm of the seminal vessels causes the seed to flow, and a spasm of the muscles of the anus locks, for the muscles of the anus are created to lock, and the vessels are created to squeeze; abundant flow of semen occurs either due to relaxation of the vessels when they do not

keep, or from widening the passages; the reason is rooted in the muscles protecting the seed, this is also either spasm or relaxation. As for the reason rooted in the kidneys, sometimes the fat in them begins to melt due to the passion for copulation or from frequent intercourse, and it comes out in abundance from the couple after urination and sticks to the clothes; it is a bad disease that debilitates the body. The reason in the initial sources is, for example, when one thinks a lot about copulation or listens to conversations about it, and the lustful person imagines in nature that he, too, is copulating. And then the organs of copulation make a certain weak movement, preparing for their task, and the person exudes a drop of semen, and if the movement is strong, he emits it more abundantly. Women also experience frequent involuntary discharge of semen due to relaxation of the uterine mouth and weakness of the seminal vessels for the same reasons mentioned above.

Signs. When the cause is an abundance of semen, the ejaculation is not accompanied by weakness and the number of copulations does not decrease, unless it is weak, although the seminal vessels are strong. This is indicated by the abundance of semen coming out and the corresponding relaxation that covers the body. Ejaculation, which occurs from the liquid of the semen, is indicated by its liquefaction in appearance, and if it comes from acridity and pungency, it is felt when the semen is released. Sometimes this is accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating, and the color of the urine is yellowish; This reason is indicated by previous circumstances - eating and increased movement. With ejaculation, due to the weakness of the instruments and their holding power, the seed comes out without an erection; the same thing happens if there is relaxation of the seminal organs. And ejaculation due to spasm occurs with an erection, as well as ejaculation due to the significance of the expelling force. Relaxation and spasm also have their own sign.

Treatment. They make it easier for the patient to eat, perform bowel movements and use the means we have named to dry the semen and reduce its quantity, as well as methods to moderate its pungency, also mentioned by us. We have already talked about the treatment of relaxation and spasm, and you know it; and the liquefaction of the semen is moderated with medicines that are somewhat astringent and warming when mixed with substances; You already know these medicines too. Among the dishes, those that thicken the seed are prescribed, for example, rice porridge and harissa. If the disease depends on the weak power of the retaining force, then it is treated with known astringents in the form of drinks and ointments, and calming the expelling force is achieved with drugs that cool and cause slight numbness; mint is an excellent medicine for thickening the semen, giving the seminal vessels the strength to retain it. There are complex medicines in people's books that claim to block the ejaculation, but I am afraid that many of them only increase the emission of semen.