Nerve Forearm Cutaneous Ulnar

Nerve of the forearm, cutaneous ulnar - **n. cutaneous antebrachiiei ulnariii (j. n. cutaneouse antebracciieii u'lnarii)**.

It passes along the anterior surface of the skin of the medial epicondyle of the radius in two skin branches: the skin of the posterior surface of the elbow joint, the palmaris longus muscle, the digital extensor major and minor, the digital flexor major and common muscles, and the skin of the skin fold of the hand (interosseous septum). At the medial epicondyle of the radius, the lateral cutaneous nerve can be separated, which returns to the deep layer of the deltoid muscle.

A branch of the ulnar nerve, passing within the deep branch of the median nerve on the posterior side of the wall of the cubital tunnel or along its groove, emerges from under the neck of the pronator teres muscle at the wrist and enters the muscle or skin of the thumb and index finger or wrist and the ulnar ligament. The intercutaneous branch ascends to