Nerve of the Clitoris Dorsal

The dorsal clitoral nerve is one of the most interesting and complex nerve formations in the female body. It refers to the system of nerves that provide nerve supply to the genitals and are transmitted through the area near the clitoris. This nerve is a continuation of the sacral nerve, which is also responsible for the innervation of these areas.

It passes through the area that is near the anus and ends at the clitoris. It is several centimeters long and can change its location depending on the position of the woman’s body.

The dorsal clitoral nerve connects the clitoris with the pelvic area through the connection of the sacral nerves and the medulla oblongata.

The dorsal clitoral nerve (lat. nervus clitoridis dorsalis) is a nerve in the female genital area that controls orgasm and sensitivity of the clitoris. It is one of the most active nerves in this area and plays an important role in sexual response.

The clitoris is one of the key sexual organs in a woman. It is located at the top of the body of the clitoris and is a dense projection that covers the openings of the vagina and urethra. The clitoris can be felt as a "small penis" because it has a structure similar to the male penis. The clitoral nerve is a complex system of nerve endings that are located on the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the clitoris, at its base and at the root. The dorsal (posterior) branch of the clitoral nerve (ncd) is a very active nerve in this area. It transports most of the information to the organs of the lower body, including the vagina and urinary system. This means that the dorsal branch of the clitoral nerve is directly related to sexual arousal and orgasm. When a woman is aroused, neurons in the dorsal branch of the clitoral nerve fire faster than normal. This leads to increased sensory impulses and activation of nerve fibers responsible for sensations during orgasm. Thus, the dorsal clitoral branch of the nerve plays an important role not only in sexual intercourse, but also in a woman’s sexual satisfaction. In addition, the dorsal clitoral nerve also controls the internal secretion of sex hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin.