Pleurisy Dry Benign

Pleurisy is an inflammatory lesion of the serous membrane and other membranes lining the cavity formed by the ribs and diaphragm, with the exception of the liver, kidneys, ovaries and lymphatic vessels. May occur as a result of direct or indirect (contact, hematogenous, lymphogenous) exposure to infectious (infectious

The pleura is one of the membranes of the chest, which consists of two layers - internal and external. It performs a protective function, preventing bacteria and viruses from entering the lungs and minimizing the impact of mechanical injuries. However, the pleura can also serve as a place for the accumulation of inflammatory fluid or pus, which can lead to the development of a serious disease - pleurisy. In this article we will look at what dry benign pleurisy is, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Dry benign (non-exudative) pleurisy is an inflammatory disease in which the serous fluid is replaced by fibrinous fluid with the presence of lymphocytes, neutrophils and histiocytes - immune cells involved in phagocytosis, that is, in the absorption and digestion of microorganisms. This type of pleurisy is usually characterized by the absence of pain during breathing and physical activity in patients. It is important to note that a patient with dry benign pleurisy does not have such signs as high intrapleural pressure, high body temperature, pain on movement and cough with sputum.

However, the absence of signs may lead to the patient not seeking medical help on time, which in turn may require long-term treatment. Most often, dry benign pleural effusion is diagnosed at 40-65 years of age. Men are affected more often than women.

The cause of the development of dry benign pleurisy may be:

1. Injuries to the pleural sheets as a result of bone fractures or rib injuries. 2. Local inflammation of the pleura in combination with certain types of cancer. 3. Some chronic diffuse connective tissue diseases (Behcet's syndrome). 4. The body's reaction to certain medications in the form of interstitial lung disease, characterized by inflammation of the pleural membranes and the accumulation of inflammatory fluid between them. 5. Other types of pleurisy include perito