Nerves Digital Plantar Proper

The nerves of the toe soles are part of the human nervous system. They are responsible for transmitting information from the toes to the brain. These nerves pass through the sole of the foot and connect to nerve fibers that go to the toes. The nerves in the digital sole are important for maintaining proper function of the foot and toes. If these nerves are damaged, it can lead to various conditions such as paralysis, pain and numbness in the toes.

The digital plantar nerves are nerves that are found on the plantar surface of the foot and carry nerve signals to the toes. They begin from the plantar nerve and pass through the fascia of the plantar and plantar aponeurosis.

The blood supply to this area is provided by the plantar dorsal plantar and posterior plantar arteries, the tributaries of which precisely feed the fibrous, fascial, fatty and bone tissue of the finger. The outflow of venous blood is carried out through the veins of the same name. The nerves of the toes are branches of the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. The main function of the nerve endings is to provide sensitivity to the skin on the toes, as well as transmit information about the irritation of the receptor papillae to the brain. In this context, inflammation of the nerves and decreased sensitivity often provoke pain in the toes.