Nerves Visceral Lumbar

The splanchnic lumbar nerves (n. splanchnici lumbales, PNA) are an important part of the nervous system that plays a key role in signaling between the internal organs and the brain. They pass through the lumbar region of the spine and are part of the internal nerve network.

The splanchnic lumbar nerves are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses from the internal organs in the lumbar region to the central nervous system. These nerves play an important role in regulating the functioning of internal organs such as the kidneys, intestines, bladder and others. They are also involved in regulating heart rate and blood pressure.

The splanchnic lumbar nerves are important in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases associated with internal organs. For example, medical professionals use these nerves to relieve pain from certain internal diseases. Also, the splanchnic lumbar nerves can be used in surgery to relieve pain for the patient.

In conclusion, the splanchnic lumbar nerves play an important role in regulating the functioning of internal organs and are of great importance in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Patients suffering from lower back pain or internal organ problems should see a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment.

The splanchnic lumbar nerves (n. splanchnici lumbales) are the nerves that provide innervation to the abdominal and pelvic organs. They are part of the splanchnic nerve system that runs through the spine and provides communication between the central nervous system and the internal organs.

The splanchnic lumbar nerves begin in the lumbar spine and descend down to the abdominal and pelvic organs. They are divided into two groups:

  1. Internal lumbar nerves of the abdomen (n. splanchnici abdominales) - provide innervation to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, such as the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas and spleen.
  2. Internal lumbar sacral nerves (n. splanchnici sacrales) - are responsible for the innervation of the sacral nerve nodes and pelvic organs, such as the bladder, prostate gland in men and the uterus in women.

The functions of the splanchnic lumbar nerves include:

Regulation of metabolism in the abdominal organs and pelvis.
Ensuring the proper functioning of internal organs.
Regulating vascular tone and blood flow in the abdominal cavity.
Participation in the regulation of digestion and excretion.

Disturbances in the functioning of the splanchnic lumbar nerves can lead to various diseases such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, bladder dysfunction and other health problems. If symptoms related to the functioning of the splanchnic lumbar nerves occur, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.