
Neuromycin (Neuromidin, Aksamon)

3task. What is the drug Neurominin?

The drug Neuromidin is a well-known drug that is used to improve the functions of the nervous system and treat various diseases. It is an inhibitor of cholinesterase activity, obtained from the extract of plants - istinya and caliuan. It works by enhancing the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons.

The pharmacological properties of neuromidin include stimulation of motor activity, restoration of impaired functional and morphological connections, and elimination of some reorganization disorders. The drug penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier, brain tissue, organ ischemia, the bone-cellular system (skeletal protein, ligaments, dentin, dental enamel) and has a number of specific activities (reduces the level of methanesulfonic acids and 3,4-diacylglycerol). The time to reach maximum concentrations in the blood serum after parenteral administration is 6-8 hours, after oral administration - 1-2 hours.