Neurotendon Spindle

The neurotendon spindle is a specialized sensory structure located at the junction of muscle fibers and tendons. It consists of encapsulated nerve endings wrapped in spindle-shaped connective tissue.

The function of the neurotendon spindle is to record muscle tension and stretch. When the muscle contracts, the tendons are stretched, which leads to deformation of the spindle and stimulation of the nerve endings. The resulting nerve impulses travel through afferent fibers to the central nervous system, informing it about the degree of muscle tension.

Thus, the neurotendon spindle plays an important role as a proprioceptor, providing feedback on muscle condition and allowing precise coordination and regulation of movements. Disturbances in the structure or functioning of the spindles lead to disorders of muscle tone and motility.

Neurotendon spindles are one of the main elements of the nervous system that are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses from nerve cells to muscles. They are special structures located in muscle tendons and consisting of neurons, axons and myoneural synapses.

The neurotendon spindle is an important element of the reflex arc, which is responsible for transmitting signals from receptors in the muscle to nerve cells. When a muscle contracts, neurons in the neurotendon spindle are activated, resulting in the release of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid. These neurotransmitters are then transmitted across synapses to muscle fibers, causing muscle contraction.

In addition, the neurotendon spindle plays an important role in regulating muscle tone. When a muscle is at rest, the neurons of the neurotendon spindle are in a state of low activity and do not transmit signals to the muscle fibers. However, when the muscle begins to contract, the neurons are activated and transmit signals to the myoneurones, which leads to an increase in muscle tone.

Thus, the neurotendon spindle is a key element of the nervous system, which ensures the transmission of nerve impulses from the nervous system to the muscles and regulates muscle tone in response to external stimuli.