Neurotrophic ulcer

Neurotrophic ulcer is a chronic skin disease that is characterized by damage to the skin and the formation of ulcers in the area of ​​the fingers and toes. The disease is caused by infection with the herpes virus type 1 (HSV-I), which is found in the body of most people. An ulcer occurs due to relapses of the disease, which can be triggered by stress, hypothermia or injury.

Neurotrophic ulcer is a dangerous disease because... leads to loss of fingers and limbs. But there is a chance to avoid this if you take some precautions. For example, avoid triggers such as injury or taking medications that worsen the immune system. You also need to maintain hygiene and monitor your stress levels. When the first signs of a neurotrophic ulcer appear, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.