
Nevocarcioma is a rare skin cancer that combines the features of a nevus and carcinoma. This tumor is formed from the pigment cells of the skin - melanocytes, which are responsible for its color. A nevus is a benign tumor that can appear on any area of ​​the skin. Some types of neoplasms differ in color, shape and size, but they all have one thing in common - they do not pose any threat to human health. Unlike nevus, carcinosarcoma is a malignant tumor that causes severe symptoms and can even lead to death.

Nevocarcinomas do not occur as often as melanomas, but they can be found in rare cases. Most often, neocarcinoma is found in people after 40 years of age, and they affect the skin of the face and neck. Men and women get sick equally often.

This tumor is composed of many shades of melanin, but most often nevocarcinoma affects skin that is ashy or flesh-colored and appears as a black plaque up to 2 cm in size with irregular edges. Sometimes nevocarcinoma may appear as an oblong spot with a diameter of less than a centimeter. Visually, circles and lines with the formation of pyramids with rays inside are always visible on neocarcinoma. The color of the neoplasms can be almost any color: yellow, brown, purple, black. But it always depends on the amount of melanin.

Despite the fact that this disease is extremely rare, it is quite difficult to diagnose, since neocarcinomas have a similar appearance as dark spots on the skin without visual signs on palpation. If you suspect suspicious spots on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will allow you not to miss the disease, as well as get rid of the tumor as effectively as possible. For correct diagnosis the following may be prescribed:

- Chemical-toxicological analysis of skin. Thanks to it, you can find out the exact amount of melanin in the neocarcinoma. This method allows color-based lesions to be distinguished from natural skin pigments. - Biopsy. Using this procedure, you can find out not only the nature of the tumor, but also its size