Neurosis of Character

Character neurosis is a mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of uncontrollable emotions, depression, anxiety and fear. It can be caused by both psychological and physical reasons. In this article we will look at the main signs and causes of character neurosis, as well as methods of its treatment.

Signs of character neurosis

- A person experiences constant anxiety and fear, especially before important events or big changes in life. - Often a person cannot express his emotions and feelings, which leads to their accumulation and further deterioration of the condition. - A person develops phobias and panic attacks due to anxiety. - Symptoms of depression appear, such as depression, loss of interest in life, feelings of guilt and inferiority. - In some cases, there is concern for your life and health.

The causes of character neurosis can be different, but among the most common are:

1. Early childhood traumas and experiences. A child may experience violence or neglect from parents, which can lead to the development of neurosis in adulthood. 2. Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. Constantly comparing yourself to other people and failing to achieve your goals can cause neurosis. 3. Stress and tension in everyday life. The need to work, caring for loved ones, financial difficulties and other life circumstances can lead to stress, which in turn

Character neurosis is a mental illness that manifests itself in the form of psychosomatic abnormalities and abnormal behavior. Symptoms manifest themselves in severe anxiety and irritability, aggressiveness and conflict. In this case, we can talk about stress loads that lead to somatic diseases. We are talking about unexpressed diseases of the nervous system: psychopathy, depression, neuroses, psychoendocrinopathies and others. With such diagnoses, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, cardiovascular, immune and others appear. Therefore, almost any system malfunctions; their changes appear when they enter areas of influence of negative emotions. Powerful irritations are caused by resentment, anger, irritation or aggression. But at the same time, a person can be very calm, without excessive emotionality, because psychological stress is suppressed so as not to suffer himself.