Nevus of the Nail Plate Stripe Symmetrical

Nevus of the nail plates, strip-shaped, symmetrical: what is it?

Nail nevus striatus symmetricus unguium, also known as naevus striatus symmetricus unguium, is a rare dermatological condition that affects the nail beds. This type of nevus appears in the form of stripes on the nail plates, which are located symmetrically relative to the central axis of the nail.

The stripes characteristic of nevus of the nail plates are strip-shaped symmetrical, usually have a width of 1 to 3 mm and extend from the base of the nail to its tip. They can be white, yellow, brown or black, and often have distinct borders. Nails generally do not change their shape or structure, and nevus does not cause any symptoms.

The causes of strip-shaped symmetrical nevus of the nail plates are unknown. However, it is believed that this may be due to genetic factors, as nevus usually appears in early childhood and can be inherited.

Diagnosis and treatment

To diagnose symmetrical band nevus, your doctor will usually examine your nails and ask questions about your family history. In some cases, a tissue sample may need to be taken for a biopsy.

Typically, strip-shaped symmetrical nevus of the nail plates does not require treatment, since it does not cause any problems with the health of the nails or the body as a whole. However, if nail stripes are causing cosmetic problems, they can be covered with a layer of nail polish or your nails trimmed so that the stripes are less noticeable.

In rare cases, it may be necessary to remove a strip-shaped symmetrical nevus of the nail plate if it causes discomfort or changes in the shape or structure of the nails.

In conclusion, symmetrical stripe nevus of the nail plates is a rare condition that affects the nail plates. It usually does not cause any problems with the health of the nails or the body as a whole, and does not require treatment. However, if nail stripes are causing cosmetic problems, they can be covered with a layer of nail polish or your nails trimmed so that the stripes are less noticeable. If the nevus causes discomfort or changes in the shape or structure of the nails, it may need to be removed.

Symmetrical stripe-shaped nevus of the nail plates, also known as "naevus striatus symmetricus unguium", is a rare dermatological condition that is characterized by the appearance of stripe-like changes on the surface of the nail plates. This condition can be a cause of concern for patients, especially because it is cosmetic, but does not usually cause any serious health problems.

Nevi of the nail plates are one of the types of skin nevi, which are pigment changes caused by the accumulation of melanin in the skin or its appendages. Nevi of the nail plates usually appear in childhood and can have various external manifestations. In the case of nail plate nevus of the symmetrical stripe type, the stripes on the nail plates usually run parallel to each other and have a symmetrical distribution on both hands or feet.

The causes of nevus of the nail plates of the strip-shaped symmetrical type are not known exactly. It is believed that genetic factors may play a role in its development, although specific genes associated with this condition have not yet been identified. It is assumed that nevus of the nail plates of the strip-shaped symmetrical type may be associated with mosaicism, when the cells of the body have a different genetic composition.

In most patients, nevus of the nail plates of the strip-shaped symmetrical type is asymptomatic and does not require treatment. However, if patients experience discomfort or cosmetic concerns, some treatment options may be offered. One way to improve the appearance of your nail beds is by using cosmetic products such as nylon overlays or nail enamels. In some cases, a consultation with a dermatology or plastic surgery specialist may be necessary to evaluate possible correction procedures.

It is important to note that nevus of the nail plates of the strip-shaped symmetrical type is usually stable and does not pose a threat to the patient’s health. However, if there are any changes in the appearance of the stripes or the appearance of additional symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor for further evaluation and to rule out possible complications.

In conclusion, symmetrical stripe-like nail nevus, or naevus striatus symmetricus unguium, is a rare condition characterized by the appearance of stripe-like changes on the surface of the nail plates. Although this condition does not usually cause health problems, it can cause cosmetic discomfort for patients. Treatment is usually aimed at improving the appearance of the nails and may include the use of cosmetic products or consultation with a specialist.

However, it is important to remember that whether the nevus of the nail plates is symmetrical stripe or another type of nevus, only a qualified doctor can determine the exact diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment. If you suspect you have this condition or any other changes in your nails, it is recommended that you see a dermatologist for a professional evaluation and consultation.