
Petrification is the process of petrification, during which the remains of organisms become brittle and hard. This process can occur both at the burial site and after it is transferred to the surface, but always during interaction with soil or water. Most fossils are formed by the repeated cycling of organic material between bacteria and fungi that live in mud, as well as other organisms such as insects, worms and small crustaceans.

The study of fossilized nature began from ancient times, right up to the end of the 19th century. About 3.8 million years ago, fossilized remains of animals were first found in Greenland and Africa by archaeologists Elleon Blunichin and Phyllis Peach; these fossils, brought to England in 1696, gave impetus to the development of paleontology - the science that studies the remains of fossilized organisms. Up until 1795, scientists were conducting research on how dead organisms such as mice, geese, etc. could become fossils. In 1814, it was discovered that these animals were buried in the ground, and the remains had hardened due to the weathering process. Then the mineralization of the soil set the stage for scientists to work on more subtle issues, such as the chemical composition of each object and their changes over time.

Petrificates - What is Petrificatum?

Petrificatum is a truly wonderful product that is a great addition to your regular diet. Thanks to petrification, you can effectively and naturally stabilize your weight, improve digestion, have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, as well as strengthen the immune system and improve body tone. In this article, we will talk about what a product such as Petrificatum is, why it can help solve many health problems, what its main properties are and possible contraindications.

Petrificat – product features and properties

The components that make up petrificate are plant extracts and oils that have a huge variety of beneficial properties for humans. The main beneficial properties of Petrificaton include: - have a positive effect on the tone of the whole body, promote omo