Newborn baby. Reflexes of a Newborn

Newborn Baby: Reflexes and Examination

The birth of a child is one of the most exciting and joyful events in the life of parents. However, after birth, newborns need special care and attention. In this article we will look at what reflexes a newborn has, as well as what happens during an examination in the maternity hospital.

Reflexes of a newborn

Reflexes are involuntary movements that are performed in response to a specific stimulus. Newborns have a number of reflexes that allow them to survive and adapt to their environment. For example, the sucking reflex allows the baby to be fed from the mother's breast, and the blinking reflex protects the baby's eyes from external stimuli.

A few days after birth, the baby can already perform some movements and reflexes. For example, he may lie on his stomach and lift his head briefly. He can also move his arms and legs equally well. The child can already focus his gaze on an object that is located at a distance of 20 to 35 cm from him.

Examination in the maternity hospital

The first examination of a newborn is carried out immediately after birth in the maternity ward. Typically, medical staff will perform several procedures to ensure that the baby is in good health.

They clear the baby's airway by suctioning through the nose, clamp and cut the umbilical cord, and check the baby's place to make sure it is intact and determine its condition. The baby is also checked on the Apgar scale - this is a rating of the baby's condition 1 and 5 minutes after birth.

Doctors also perform a number of other procedures, such as checking height, weight and head circumference, determining gestational age, administering eye drops and vitamin K injections.

At the end of the examination, an identification plate is put on the child, and after 24 hours a more detailed examination is carried out. The doctor checks weight, head circumference, height, heartbeat and breathing, and also feels the internal organs.

It is important to understand that the first days of a newborn’s life are a time of adaptation to a new environment. The child may show different reactions to the environment and to the procedures carried out in the maternity hospital. All these changes are a natural process of child development, and parents must remember that the main thing for them is love and care for their baby.