Stretch (Distortion)

Damage to ligaments, muscles, tendons and other tissues without violating their anatomical integrity. Most often, sprains occur in the ankle or knee joint. Pathoanatomical changes during stretching consist of tearing of individual fibers of the ligaments with hemorrhage into their thickness.

Symptoms, course. There is pain in the joint when moving and swelling. The diagnosis is made on the basis of local pain on palpation and bruising, which can appear 2-3 days after the injury.

Differentiate with complete ligament rupture. When a rupture occurs, more severe pain is observed, the inability to lean on the limb, and often hemarthrosis. All phenomena during stretching subside after 5-10 days, and during rupture they continue for 3-4 weeks.

X-rays clarify the diagnosis (severation of bone tissue indicates complete damage to the ligament). Outpatient treatment - tight bandaging of the joint, rest, cold for 2 days, then heat. Working capacity is restored in 5-7 days.

Prevention of repeated sprains - massage, therapeutic exercises, sports.