
Niclosamide is an anthelmintic drug that is used to remove tapeworms from the body. It is administered orally and has no side effects, unlike many other medications that are used for this purpose.

The trade name of the drug is Yomesan.

Yomesan contains niclosamide, which is the active ingredient. This ingredient acts on tapeworms, destroying their membranes and leading to their death.

How to take Yomesan?

The drug should be taken orally, usually at a dosage of 20-40 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. However, before you start taking Yomesan, you should consult your doctor.

As a rule, Yomesan does not cause side effects, but in rare cases allergic reactions such as itching, hives, swelling and difficulty breathing may occur. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Niclosamide – an effective and safe drug that allows you to get rid of tapeworms without side effects. When using it, you must follow the doctor's instructions and follow the dosage.

Niclosamide or Yomesan is a drug used to treat some forms of tapeworms. It has a wide spectrum of action and effective mechanical properties. In this article we will consider its use, mechanism of operation and contraindications. Niclosamide was first described in 1970 by Korean drug scientists. The product is a derivative of papaverine and is capable of having an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles. This means that iomesen helps with various pains, colic, cramps, and less often with severe menstrual spasms