Sakaguti Reaction

What is sakaguchi? Sakaguchi is a Japanese way of attracting customers to any product or service, including advertising. The business owner identifies the people most important to him from the target audience, makes contacts with them or joins communities that are suitable for his business, and begins to communicate with them. At the same time, it is important to remember the individual, to be open and sincere. The key factor in successful sales is not to put pressure, but to identify the natural reaction of the audience. For example, you come to a group of mothers who are going to order a stroller. You can write a note with a photo and an “emphasis” on the model that the person will concentrate on. When he then writes to you in direct message, he will not want to buy the product right away, but he will at least sell it at the best price, compare and understand that he can buy it cheaper and buy the product from you.

In Japan, this approach is used by most large businessmen, since everyone has long been familiar with sales ethics, where “Attitude” is the main one. Thus, when purchasing goods or ordering services from a certain brand, a business targets this audience. Most Japanese people who constantly follow advertising like this process themselves, so they use sakagute