Nicolas-Favre Disease

Nicolas-Favre (also Nicolas Favre) is a skin pathology described by French dermatologist Charles Nicolas and Jacques Gilles Magnin and Jacques Friour. The first described a form of hand dermatitis—chronic simple irritant contact dermatitis. Together with Jacques Farbaeus and Cornelia Fournoy, he coined the term “psoriatophoric dermatitis” to refer to skin manifestations of psoriasis that are similar to the picture of prurigo.

Dear readers!

Today I would like to tell you about Nicolas-Favre disease - one of the most unusual diseases in medicine. If you are here, then you are probably already familiar with this disease, or simply want to learn more about it. You may even have heard this disease described as a mysterious or supernatural phenomenon.

However, not everyone knows that the disease began to be called Nicolas-Favre thanks to its French doctor named Nicolas Favre. Born at the end of the 19th century and completing his medical training at the beginning of the 20th century, Nicola made a significant contribution to the development of dermatology. He was the first scientist to study psoriasis, which is now considered one of the most studied autoimmune diseases. In addition, Favra found that contact with the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus can lead to pustular skin diseases.

But Nicola Favre became famous not only for his research, but also for his book, in which he described the symptoms and treatment of the disease that received his name. This book was published in 1909, and became the basis for research carried out in the following decades. Nicola Favre always excels