Diarrhea Avitaminous

Vitamin deficiency diarrhea is a fairly rare disease caused by either a lack of nutrients (vitamins) or their complete absence in the body. As a result of such insufficient nutrition or failure of the body to receive the vitamin, even if no obvious symptoms of vitamin deficiency were noticed, vitamin deficiencies in the stomach and intestines may begin. Typically, such a symptom indicates a lack of several vitamins at the same time, which can be either a clinical manifestation of a disease or an independent metabolic disorder and vitamin deficiency. The most common vitamin deficiencies in the gastrointestinal tract include xerophthalmia, rickets, and Gray's disease.

Vitamin deficiency diarrhea is a very dangerous manifestation of vitamin deficiency. The lack of necessary vitamins inside the body can result in depletion of the nervous system - weakness, apathy, loss of muscle mass, memory loss, psychological disorders, disruption of the brain and visual organs. A deficiency of some vitamins can occur for quite a long time without clinical manifestations until its first obvious negative consequence appears in the form of diarrhea.