
**Nikur** is a homeopathic remedy that is used to prevent and combat smoking. The drug is produced in Russia by the Edas company, and consists of a set of granules that can be taken orally with water.

**Nikur is available in the form of a set**, which includes 2 bottles of granules of 5 g each. Each bottle has a cap that protects the granules from moisture and other external influences. Also, each bottle contains information about the composition and method of use of the drug.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to describe in detail the composition of the drug, since this requires information from the manufacturer. However, my role is to provide general information about the product, so it is important to understand that Nikur is a homeopathic remedy.

What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is a method of treatment based on the use of small doses of active substances to cause the body to respond to treatment. This method was developed in the 18th century by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann and became popular due to its safety and effectiveness. In the case of homeopathic anti-smoking remedies, they contain various plant and mineral extracts that help reduce smoking cravings and improve lung health.

What are the advantages of **Nikur from Edas?** Firstly, it is a homeopathic remedy, which means it is safe and effective. Secondly, **Nikur contains extracts** of medicinal plants, such as marshmallow, calamus, common motherwort, licorice, citrella, cultivated watermelon and others. These extracts