Nystagmus Friendly

Nystagmus is an eye disease in which there is an involuntary oscillation in a certain direction of the horizontal eyeballs. Nystagmic disease occurs much less frequently than various types of strabismus. Although the second also refers to refractive errors in the ocular apparatus. It mainly appears as a result of inflammatory processes in the visual apparatus. In this case, severe thinning of the visual cortex of the brain may be observed. There are also cases where this condition did not respond to treatment for a very long time. This is considered an indicator of inferiority of centers in the cerebral cortex and indicates the possibility of developing mental deficiency in a sick child. The vibration particles occur in a vertical plane. There are cases of the patient's head swaying synchronously with the eyes.

There is a classification of nystagmus according to various criteria. One of them -