
Nitrospray - ICN is a medicinal product from the group of antianginal drugs containing the active substance nitroglycerin in the form of an inhaler or spray with a dispenser for use under the tongue. This drug is prescribed to patients for a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system. However, before starting to use the drug, you should consult your doctor, as there are a number of contraindications, side effects and other features of its use.

One percent of the active substance - Nitroglycerin - is contained in the inhaler and the same solution in the dropper - this is a spray. In addition, the solution is added in ampoules and tablets.

The main indications for the use of this antianginal agent:

- Angina pectoris, when angina pectoris is most dangerous with the disease of left ventricular hypertrophy and the development of early post-infarction angina syndrome. This also sometimes happens with Prinzmel vasospastic angina. - Acute heart attack, usually caused by a blood clot.

Contraindications for use - the use of the product is unacceptable if there are:

- increased sensitivity to the drug; - low blood pressure in the patient;
