Night face cream after 30 reviews


At the age of 30, many begin to really think about how to maintain healthy, elastic and velvety facial skin longer.

The previously used care is no longer enough, and it is still too early to use radical measures, what to do? The task is not easy, but doable.

Features of skin condition after 30 years

The skin begins to fade a little, these are irreversible processes, but the intensity of aging will depend on: lifestyle, quality of sleep, hereditary factors, how often and whether the skin was properly cared for before, health status, diet, etc.

Metabolic processes (metabolism) become slower, the production of elastin and collagen noticeably decreases, the skin loses its elasticity, the lipid layer becomes thinner, and the horny layer, on the contrary, thickens.

The facial muscles are no longer as toned as before. Therefore, at this age you need to take care of your skin not periodically, as before, but comprehensively and daily. Only then can all these irreversible processes not only be significantly slowed down, but even stopped.