Nail eater

Nailworm is a hot, blistering tumor that forms near the nail. This is a severe, very painful tumor and sometimes ulcerates and becomes corroded. Often, liquid, smelly pus flows from the ulcerated tumor, and this poses a danger to the finger. Nailworm often causes fever.

If bloodletting and relaxation are required, then it is performed. It is necessary to lighten the diet and cool its nature; during treatment, one should proceed in the same way as one does with other tumors, that is, keep in mind the period of onset, intensification and decline, as you have already learned.

As for local remedies, the nail should first be immersed in hot vinegar Galen says that it is very useful for nail-eater, and there is no doubt that it is better at first, especially with bran or barley oatmeal, or with a plaster prepared with camphor. If you mix opium with the mucilage of flea plantain, extracted with vinegar, it helps a lot. A medicinal bandage of crushed and grated galls sometimes disperses the nailworm, just as ear mud with khudad often prevents the tumor from accumulating pus. Khudad is also very useful, just like sumac, ivory sawdust and akakiya, any of these substances are used with sikanjubin in the form of a dressing, just like galls mixed with honey is one of the means that prevents the strengthening of nail beetle.

The nail is constantly immersed in cold iodine. The pain is soothed with opium - it works wonderfully; the mucus of the flea plantain is then also useful. Or they take equal parts of galls, sour pomegranate peels, copper scale and dry figs, mix them with honey, thickened grape juice or julab and tie them. Do not bring oil or any liquid near the nail if you are afraid of ulceration. Licorice root, grated incense - alone or with something else - and myrtle berries, boiled with condensed grape juice, sometimes disperse nailworm.

A medicine that cures nailworm. They take sabur, pomegranate flowers, incense and galls, bind them with honey and consume them.

You should not constantly use cooling agents after the beginning of the first period, they thicken the skin, lock the material, and the pain intensifies. At this time, do not pay attention to the heat felt in the tumor, even if it is fiery, and calmly dissolve and sometimes sushi happens

It is helpful to immerse your finger in heated oil and endure the pain. And in the middle period, incense or iron rust with nigella is ground and applied to the tumor - also in grated form, or emollient mucus and fats, as well as Andron and Musas lozenges; ear dirt is good until pus accumulates.

And when the tumor begins to ripen, apply myrrh and flea plantain with milk to it towards the end and to the accumulation of pus, you should burn the salts, knead it in olive oil and apply it to the tumor, for this soothes the pain, and when the accumulation is complete, let them make a small one, a narrow puncture to extract the contents of the tumor, after extracting its contents, apply a bandage with astringents, for example, with lentils, pomegranate flowers and roses or with jujube oatmeal, apple oatmeal and hawthorn oatmeal, after which lupine flour and honey are applied.

If the tumor ulcerates, then sabur is one of the best remedies, as well as incense with arsenic. A plaster made from verdigris with a plaster made from lead white and anzarut is also useful; the plaster is covered with a rag soaked in wine. In this case, you should separate the meat from the nail on all sides and cut off the part of the nail that pricks the meat.

Excellent patch mentioned by Paul. They take burnt vitriol and incense - part by part, and verdigris - half a part, grind with honey and consume.

Another patch of this kind. Take sour pomegranate peels, galls, copper scale and verdigris, mix with honey, spread and tie, and let neither water nor oil touch the sore spot.

Good patch. They take burnt vitriol and incense - one part each, and verdigris - half a part, bind it all with honey and apply it to the tumor.

Sometimes, if you are afraid of ulceration and corrosion, you have to use faldafiyun from arsenic, vitriol, verdigris and noura - it dries out the tumor and there is nothing better. If pus begins to flow with an ulcerated nail eater, then cauterize or cut so that the evil does not spread to the entire finger.