Caring for a woman in labor who is affected by pushing

When a pregnant woman is close to giving birth, she should be constantly bathed or kept in a bath, and it is better if this is outside the bath, so as not to weaken her and not to relax her. You should rub the pubis, back and perineum, for example, dill, chamomile, wallflower and other oils, constantly introduce incense into the vagina and water the perineum with liquid wax ointments, tissue-relaxing oils, as well as lard and fat, for example fat from fattened animals. geese, heated, not cold, and rather hot, especially if the woman has a dry vagina or the whole body along with the vagina. A woman who is having difficulty giving birth should be given mucus every day on an empty stomach for a whole month, for example, the mucus of quince seeds with the mucus of flaxseed, and from the day the contractions begin, she should also be given fenugreek juice. Her food should include softening vegetables, isfidbaji, fatty meats and fatty chickens; astringents are prohibited for her. Her vagina should also be fumigated with musk and other incense. When the birth approaches and her contractions begin, let her eat something small in quantity, but very nutritious, and drink it with fragrant wine. Then the woman should sit for a while with her legs stretched out, and then lie on her back for a while and then immediately stand up; and let her go up and down the steps and scream. When the mouth of the uterus opens a little and begins to open more and more, the woman should push as hard as possible, especially when the membrane ruptures, and try to sneeze, and open her mouth as wide as possible and inhale a lot of air, drawing in as much of it as possible: this expels the fetus and the membrane. And during childbirth, it is best for her to sit on a bench, with support from behind - this is how she is seated when the uterus opens, and if the woman is fat, she lies on her stomach, lowers her head and brings her knees under her stomach so that the mouth of the uterus is level with the vagina; after this, the vagina is lubricated with the mentioned emollient ointments. The vagina should be dilated and opened with the fingers, and if all this is done and pressure is applied to her stomach, she will quickly give birth, as quadrupeds give birth. When the shell appears and it becomes known that the fruit has come close, then if the shell does not break due to its thickness, it should be torn with nails or a myrtle-shaped instrument, holding it between the fingers and acting carefully so as not to touch the fruit or damage it until the shell will open, liquid will not flow and the fruit will not slip out. If the shell has opened too soon, when the fetus has not yet approached and does not strive to free itself, so that time has dragged on and the vagina has dried out, then after opening the shell, medications are poured into the vagina to promote slipping out - liquid wax ointments and mucus, as well as melted fats, eggs proteins and and

A way to use a woman who has difficulty giving birth without the use of drugs. When childbirth is difficult, let her smell pleasant incense in small quantities, if her strength is weak, and make her take meat juice and good food, small in volume, for example, soft-boiled eggs and the like, and let her drink several cups of good fragrant wine. Then sit her down and moderate the warmth in her room: if it is winter, then light big fires, and if it is summer, then fan her. Immerse it up to the false ribs in water heated to some warmth, and preferably in a bowl of water in which ten bunches of mint have been boiled. Insert a candle, for example, made of myrrh, into her vagina, and rub her and her reproductive organs and spine with wax ointment and warmed fat, especially if the cause of difficult childbirth is the cold; You can also use mucus, as well as substances that promote slippage. Sometimes they have to be inserted into the vagina; then order that when she lies on her back, place a pillow under her hips, raise her legs and spread her thighs as wide as possible, and pour glidants and other liquids into her vagina, squirting them far through a tube the same length as the uterus, or longer. Then leave her for a while until the women testify that the mouth of her uterus has opened and fluids have begun to flow, and then make her sneeze, lift her and sit her on the bench. Order to press on her lower abdomen, make her push and knead her sides, and she will soon give birth; sometimes you have to open her vagina with a horn so that the mouth of the uterus is exposed and opened. You should try to give the woman in labor different positions - put her on her stomach or supine, put her on all fours, and so on, and observe which one brings the baby's head closer to the vagina and makes labor easier. And be careful not to allow the midwife to act abruptly, accepting the child and introducing substances into the vagina that promote slippage.

If all these methods are insufficient, turn to the help of medicines, fumigations and suppositories. If in the morning you gave a woman in labor medication to ease childbirth - pills or something else, and she did not give birth, then at noon you need to give her a sip of bean or chickpea soup with sesame oil, and in the evening order her to insert one of the candles into her vagina , which we will mention later, and after that go to bed. In the morning you will fumigate her with some incense, which we will also talk about later, and again give her medicine, and if all this does not help, apply lubricating her back and navel with rue juice mixed with chaff flour. If the pain intensifies, especially from the coldness of the uterus, put some intoxicating oil in a candle. The ancient doctors mention one technique for extracting the fetus in the section on fetal movements, but we have omitted it because it offers little hope of success.

A method of removing a fetus from a woman whose leg came out before the head. You should carefully push your leg back in and gently turn the fetus until it sits straight; lift his legs little by little until his head drops. If none of this is possible, then tie bandages around the fruit and remove it. When nothing other than a cut is possible, it is made in accordance with what was said about the dead fetus.

A method of extracting a fetus from a woman that comes out sideways. It is close to the previous one, and the fruit is straightened, lifting it up, planting it and carefully turning it upside down.

Caring for a woman in labor who has a tumor in her uterus.

They use wax ointments and oils, and with regard to the position during childbirth and everything else, they treat her as they are prescribed to do with plump women.

A method of delivering a child to a woman who is having difficulty giving birth because the child is very large. The midwife must carefully grasp such a fetus and carefully, little by little, pull it in, if this is successful, and if not, she ties it with a piece of cloth and carefully pulls it over and over again. When this also fails, the midwife uses forceps and tries to remove the child, and in case of failure, he is removed by cutting, as will be easier, and proceed in the same way as with a dead fetus.

Method of administration for a woman who has difficulty giving birth due to the death of the fetus or its poor constitution, in which it is impossible to hope that it will live. Medicines are used to extract a dead fetus, which have already been discussed and will be discussed again, and if this does not work, you need to hook the fruit with hooks, cut it into pieces and remove it, and you should hurry with this before it swells. If the fetus has a large head and it can be pierced or cut so that its contents flow out, then this is done.

Caring for a woman in labor who faints. They splash her in the face with water, if there is no fear that the child will go back, and raise her strength by letting her smell incense and forcing her to swallow meat juice with wine and spices.

Medicines to facilitate childbirth. Such are all the medicines that expel worms and “pumpkin seeds,” for they expel the fruit; If you give a woman four bowls of cassia laxative bark, she will give birth immediately. Drinking asafoetida and beaver stream is an excellent, strong remedy; Taking Chinese cinnamon is also very good - it makes labor and childbirth easier. One of the medicines that greatly facilitates childbirth is also a decoction of Rum marshmallow leaves with water and honey; Fenugreek juice also facilitates childbirth. Here is another effective and useful remedy: take adiantum, dilute it, crushed in wine with a certain amount of oil, and give it to drink; This is one of the true remedies, just like dictation.

Good pills - they were proposed by one of the pioneers and attributed to one of the later doctors. Take Chinese cinnamon and juniper berries - each for ten dirhams, good Ceylon cinnamon - seven dirhams, kirfa, myrrh, round aristolochia and bitter bush - each for five dirhams, maya, opium - each for two dirhams, musk - a quarter of a dirham; from all this they prepare pills and give them to drink three mithqals in two ukiyahs of old wine. In my opinion, it is preferable, however, to reduce the amount of opium and limit it to one dirham.

Other good pills. They take juniper berries - ten dirhams, rue - five dirhams, harmala seeds - four dirhams, asafoetida, ushshak and madder - three dirhams each. From this they make pills and drink them with some kind of decoction that expels menstruation, for example, with a decoction of juniper berries, dictamum and madder, or with a decoction of red beans, or with a decoction of squeezed rue juice.

Good pills. They take juniper berries - two dirhams, asafoetida - half a dirham, ushshak - half a dirham, madder - half a dirham. This amount is drunk at one time.

More pills: take long aristolochia, pepper and myrrh - equally and prepare pills from them; drink three dirhams every day in one uqiya of lupine decoction. This medicine aborts the fetus, facilitates labor and cleanses the uterus with force.

The other is the same, for the same cases. They take blue bdelium, myrrh and juniper berries, make nuts from it and drink it. This aborts the fetus and makes labor easier.

A good cleansing medicinal porridge. They say that nothing can compare with her. Take myrrh, beaver stream and maya - a bowl each, Chinese cinnamon - half a bowl, juniper berries - half a bowl and mix with honey. They drink two mithqals at a time, and it is best to drink it with wine - then it is excellent to the extreme.

Medicinal dressings and ointments. Take a decoction of the coloquinte pulp - its freshly squeezed juice is even better - mix in the squeezed rue juice, add a little myrrh and smear the pubis to the navel with it.

Candles forcefully bring down what has separated from the uterus. A woolen rag is immersed in the squeezed juice of coloquinte pulp and the squeezed juice of rue and inserted into the vagina, or Aristolochia is inserted there in a woolen rag, or bakhur maryam, or larkspur, or mad cucumber, or kachim, or a candle from a harbak with opopanax and ox bile is inserted. - she lowers the fetus down, alive or dead.

Medicines that act due to a special property. A woman having difficulty giving birth should be told to take a magnet in her left hand or smear herself with the ashes of a donkey's hoof - this is an extremely good remedy - or fumigate herself with it. A horse's hoof or smoking salted fish with the eyes also works. It is also said that if you hang African styrax on a woman's thigh, she will not be affected by the pain of childbirth. They say that if you grate saffron, turn it into porridge, make an amulet out of it and hang it around a woman’s neck, she will throw away the shell.

Fumigation with smoke. A woman having difficulty giving birth is fumigated with myrrh - this is a very wonderful remedy - as well as myrrh, galbanum and opopanax mixed with cow bile; fumigated with one misqal of this composition. Or they take yellow sulfur, red myrrh, cow bile, opopanax and galbani and fumigate with it. Fumigation with snake skin or pigeon feces facilitates childbirth, but sometimes fumigation with snake skin kills the fetus. Fumigation with opopanax by itself, or with falcon feces, facilitates childbirth.