
The word numbness is used in different meanings in books; Sometimes the word numbness is considered synonymous with the word trembling. As for us and many others, we use it in the following sense: numbness is a disease of the organ of the instrument, causing damage to the sense of touch; the sense of touch either disappears or becomes insufficient and is accompanied by trembling if the damage is weak, or relaxation if the damage is strengthened, for the sensory force encounters an obstacle to penetration into the organs only if something interferes with the motor force, as we have repeatedly explained. However, although occasionally, numbness still occurs without difficulty moving, because the motor and sensory nerves are different.

The cause of numbness is connected either with forces that weaken, as happens with strong and acute fevers that lead to numbness, or as happens to a person before fainting or before death, or it is connected with an instrument; in this case the nature of the organ is deteriorated by the influence of strong cooling caused by taking some medicine, the bite of an animal, for example, a water scorpion, or touching the ra'ad fish, which is called sparkling, or drinking a medicine such as opium; all this thickens and weakens the pneuma, which is an instrument of force. The nature of the organ is sometimes deteriorated by intense heat, for example, when a person is bitten by a snake, or when he is in a very hot bath, or suffers from a burning fever, and also due to the density of the substance of the nerves, when the pneuma cannot pass through them well. For this reason, you observe that the sense of touch in the leg is somewhat dull compared to the sense of touch in the hand.

Numbness also occurs due to blockages with thick juices: blood, mucus or black bile; blockage can also occur from yellow bile - either due to blockages from compression of the passages by a tumor or abscess, from the pressure of a bandage or tourniquet, or due to a position of the body in which the nerves are compressed and they are strongly compressed, or if a lot of blood flows into this organ or another juice that closes the passages. Most often it comes from blood; therefore, if you change the position, the numbness goes away: what flowed there leaves the organ, and the sensation returns. Sometimes numbness occurs from dryness and desiccation, for in this case the fibers unite and merge and the passages close; this is a malignant type of numbness. Often a blockage is formed as a result of relaxation caused by the moisture of nature, and not by matter; This relaxation is followed by the closing of the passages. The cause of numbness sometimes lies in the brain itself; if it is general, then numbness covers the whole body, and it kills on the same day. Or the cause resides in the spinal cord and numbness often begins from one vertebra; sometimes it is located in the branches of the nerves.

If the cold numbness becomes old and prolonged, then it turns into relaxation. Numbness covering a large part of the body heralds sickness, epilepsy, spasm, cusis or general paralysis. Numbness of each individual organ, if it lasts for a long time and intensifies, indicates the onset of paralysis and spasm in this organ; Numbness of the face portends facial paralysis. After pneumonia, pleurisy and cold sarsam, numbness often appears.

Know that if numbness in any organ lasts for a long time, and emptying does not eliminate it, and then dizziness appears, then this portends sakta.

Signs. The signs of numbness are its causes, as we said when talking about trembling, and its presence is inferred from the reasons; Intensifying the causes intensifies the numbness; weakening them weakens the numbness.

It is treated in exactly the same way as said regarding trembling; if numbness is caused by a predominance of blood and there are signs of this - congestion of blood vessels, swelling of the neck veins, a feeling of heaviness in the body, drowsiness, redness of the face and eyes, etc. - then complete bloodletting should be performed, because this alone often eliminates numbness; At the same time, they improve the diet and provide light food.

When numbness appears in any organ as a result of a previous external cause, for example, cold or some other influence that affects the origin of the nerves, then one should not be limited to treating this part of the body, and it is also necessary to treat the place where the nerve begins. to this body. Helpful measures against numbness include exercise of this organ and constant movement of it. In addition, know that safflower added to enemas warms the nerves.