Nonsense Relationships

Delusional relationship

Delusions of attitude (also known as delusions of the sick person or contemptuous attitude) is a concept in psychiatry that describes the negative, prejudiced attitude of others towards the patient, which infringes on his interests in everyday and professional aspects of life. This concept goes back to ancient philosophical ideas that sick people are not only a source of trouble, but also a threat to society. B.o. characterized by negative stereotypes, substitutions of cause-and-effect relationships, a negative assessment of the patient’s personality, distortion of his image and the belief that he poses a threat to others. Proponents of the idea of ​​delusional attitudes argue that a healthy person cannot sympathize with a sick person and feel compassion for him, therefore special measures are required to protect others from negative emotions towards the sick person.


Delusion of attitude - B., associated with the idea of ​​a negative, unkind, skeptical-hostile, derogatory attitude of the patient towards others or himself, infringing on his interests in all spheres of life. Patients talk about hostility, undesirability of visits from their relatives or friends, unwanted calls to them, oblivion of them by ardent people, irresponsibility, indifference and condemning looks from relatives. Against the background of worsened (sharpened) affect, verbal and tactful