Normal Skin

Hello! At your request, I have prepared an article with the title “Normal Skin”:

Normal skin

Normal skin is fresh, tight, elastic, well-vascularized, without large pores, non-greasy, clean (no blemishes), velvety, smooth and elastic. Sometimes before menstruation, women may develop pustules, since during this period there is an increased formation of hormones, which increases the activity of the sebaceous glands, but for people with normal skin, pustules and pimples are not a problem.

To clean it, you need warm water and super-fat non-alkaline soap. Instead of soap, you can use wheat bran. After washing, rinse your face with cold water and a small amount of borax.

In the morning, wash your face with plain water, soap, bran or rose water. In the evening, remove makeup with a cleansing cream and apply a toning cream to soften the skin. Use a moisturizer underneath the powder.

Care for normal skin

Cleanse your skin 2 times a day. After washing, wipe your face with eau de toilette, lotion, and herbal infusion. Lotions have an antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory effect and tone the skin. Apply cream to still damp skin. It protects the skin from wind, sun, dust. Apply cream to your face, even if you are not going to leave the house in the morning. Washing, hassle at the hot stove - all this adversely affects the skin and dries it out. After 10-15 minutes, remove excess cream with a cosmetic napkin.

In the evening, first clean the skin of your face and neck of makeup, then wash it with soap, and then wipe the skin with lotion and apply a nourishing cream.

It is recommended to make a nourishing mask once a week. The procedure for performing the procedures is as follows: first wash your face, then do a compress or steam bath, and after that a mask.

Skin care products for any type

Water for washing. Facial skin does not tolerate hard water (limestone). For oily skin, be sure to add alcohol, od