Wear - Do not carry

brownish-greenish and cloudy, which indicates an ongoing infection.

In addition, an ultrasound examination is performed, which allows you to assess the condition of the fetus and placenta, as well as determine the exact date of pregnancy. Cardiotocography may sometimes be ordered to evaluate the fetal heartbeat.

Treatment and prevention

If the pregnancy is postponed for no more than 10-14 days, the doctor may decide on a natural birth or prescribe induction (artificially inducing labor). However, if the pregnancy is delayed beyond 14 days, the risk of complications increases and a caesarean section may be required.

To prevent post-term pregnancy, women are advised to lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly visit a doctor, monitor their weight and general condition, and monitor their emotional well-being. If a woman has any chronic diseases, then it is necessary to monitor their control and treatment during pregnancy.

In conclusion, post-term pregnancy is a serious condition that requires close medical monitoring and timely treatment. If a woman notices any symptoms of post-maturity, she should definitely consult a doctor. It is important to remember that the health of the child and mother depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help. Wearing it is good, but carrying it is not worth it.