My Calendar

My Calendar: How to create a calendar for children

A calendar is not only a convenient way to keep track of days and plan future events, but also a great tool for developing children's creativity. If you want to teach your child how to plan their days, then why not get them their own calendar?

To start, take some paper cards and punch holes in the corners. Then, secure them with a metal ring or string. Pay attention to the number of days in the month and put on one side of each card the number corresponding to the date.

Every evening, you or your child can draw a picture on the back of the card depicting some episode of your day. Discuss with your child how his day went and choose an event that can be depicted on paper. This could be something as simple as playing on the playground or cooking dinner. It is important that your child feels that their creativity is valued and important.

In addition, you can scroll through your calendar in advance and mark the most important things that await you during the week or month. For example, birthdays of friends or loved ones, important events at school, sporting events, etc. This will help your child plan their days and understand that some days may be busier than others.

You can also leave notes for each other on your calendar. For example, reminding mom to buy groceries for tomorrow, or reminding a child to pack his room. This will help the whole family stay organized and on top of current affairs.

Keeping a calendar for your child is a great way to teach him how to plan his days, estimate time, and develop creativity. In addition, this can become a wonderful family tradition that will help all family members better understand their plans and achievements.