Orchiepidid imit


Orchiepididymitis is a nonspecific inflammation of the testicle and its epididymis. In 90% of cases the lesion is unilateral. Most often, epididymitis orchiepididymitis develops as a complication of an infectious disease: mumps, influenza, pneumonia, typhus, brucellosis, actinomycosis. Sometimes epididymitis orchioepididymitis occurs after testicular trauma, prolonged bladder catheterization, or after transurethral prostatectomy. The hematogenous route of infection is very rare.

Primary inflammation occurs in the epididymis and quickly spreads to the testicle itself. The disease can be acute or chronic. In the acute case, within a few hours there appears sharp pain in the testicle, hyperemia of the scrotal skin, swelling and an increase in temperature up to 40°C. The pain syndrome decreases with an elevated position of the scrotum. Acute orchiepididymitis can be complicated by an abscess.

The diagnosis is usually not difficult. It is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with testicular torsion and exclude gonorrhea. In the chronic course, there is a gradual enlargement, hardening of the testicle, moderate pain, and low-grade fever. This can lead to induration, testicular atrophy and, in a bilateral process, to infertility and impotence.

Treatment includes bed rest, diet, scrotal elevation, and antibiotics. In case of an abscess, surgical opening and drainage of the abscess is necessary. The prognosis improves significantly with timely treatment.