
Notebook: a toy for little adults

Keeping a notebook is not only a useful activity for adults, but also a wonderful toy for children. Generally, young children love to imitate adults, and having their own notebook like mom or dad will help them feel very grown up and responsible.

Creating a notebook for a child requires just a little time and patience. To start, you can staple several sheets of paper together and cut them into several equal-sized pieces. Then, on each page, you can print the names of your baby's friends, as well as their phone numbers and addresses. If your child does not yet know how to read and write, you can write these details yourself and then have your child draw portraits of their friends on each page.

If your child already knows how to write, you can invite him to fill out the notebook himself. This will take more time, but will help your child develop writing and reading skills.

Additionally, if your child is interested in this activity, you can expand the notebook to include information about relatives and family friends. Not only will this help your child better remember the names and contact details of loved ones, but it will also be a wonderful gift for family and friends.

A notebook for a child is not only a toy, but also a useful tool for teaching a child to communicate and establish contacts with other people. It will help your child feel mature and responsible, as well as develop writing and reading skills.