Novocaine Blockade Retromammary

Novocaine retromammary blockade: an effective remedy in the fight against mastitis

Mastitis is one of the most common and devastating breast diseases in women. It is characterized by inflammation of the breast caused by various factors such as infection, injury or blocked ducts. Mastitis can cause significant discomfort and negatively impact a woman's quality of life. One of the methods of treating mastitis is novocaine retromammary blockade, which has proven effective in relieving symptoms and improving the condition of patients.

Description of novocaine retromammary blockade:
Retromammary novocaine blockade (N.b.) is a procedure in which a novocaine solution is injected into the cellular space located behind the mammary gland. This method is used to relieve pain and inflammation associated with mastitis. Novocaine (a cocaine derivative) is a local anesthetic that blocks the conduction of nerve impulses and reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors in the injection area.

The novocaine retromammary blockade procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor inserts a needle into the tissue space behind the mammary gland and slowly injects a solution of novocaine. This allows you to achieve anesthesia and reduce inflammation in the area of ​​the affected mammary gland.

Advantages of novocaine retromammary blockade:

  1. Pain relief: Procaine retromammary blockade is an effective method for relieving pain associated with mastitis. The anesthetic acts directly in the area of ​​the affected mammary gland, which reduces pain and improves the patient’s comfort.

  2. Reducing inflammation: Injecting novocaine into the retromammary space helps reduce inflammation in the affected mammary gland. This helps reduce swelling, reduce redness and improve the general condition of the patient.

  3. Minimal side effects: Novocaine is a relatively safe local anesthetic with few side effects. This makes retromammary novocaine blockade an attractive option for the treatment of mastitis, since the risks for patients are minimal.

Novocaine retromammary blockade is an effective method of treating mastitis, which has a number of advantages. It provides pain relief, reduced inflammation and improvement in the general condition of patients. Thanks to the use of novocaine as a local anesthetic, the procedure has minimal side effects and is considered safe for patients.

However, like any medical procedure, novocaine retromammary blockade should be performed only under the supervision of experienced medical specialists. Patients should consult with their doctor about the possibility of using this treatment method and the expected results.

In the future, new methods and technologies for the treatment of mastitis may appear, but at the moment novocaine retromammary blockade is an effective and proven way to relieve the symptoms of this disease.

Novocaine retromammary apple block ad - with special anesthesia by intradermal injection of novocaine solution behind the mammary gland or injection of novocaine into the retroperitoneal cellular space according to Tulheimer. It allows you to relieve or reduce the severity of pain due to mastitis by reducing swelling of the mammary glands or reducing their size. It is used as an alternative to complete removal of the mammary glands for cancer. The effectiveness of novocaine blockade and cancer has been confirmed by a number of studies that assessed the effectiveness of this procedure as an alternative to complete excision of the mammary glands in patients 28–46 years old with various types of cancer. The results of the study revealed a significant reduction in the risk of disease relapse in patients in whom novocaine injection preceded tumor removal.