Novocaine Blockade Case

Novocaine blockade is the place of action of novocaine injected into the space between the fingers. Even the nail on the thumb needs to be cut off so that no novocaine grains get under the nail.

Novocaine. Wikipedia Synonym: procaine. Main international name: Procainum; With caution, the 0.5% solution should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to drugs from the group of local anesthetics, or their tolerance due to a possible decrease in blood pressure and symptoms of central respiratory depression even when using a small amount of the drug. Also contraindications are respiratory depression, bronchial asthma, blood clotting disorders, severe impairment of cerebral and coronary circulation, arrhythmias (except for unchanged heart blocks), cerebral vascular disorders, increased frequency of epileptic attacks, organic diseases of the nervous system, age under 18 years (due to lack of data), hypersensitivity to procaine.

One of the indications for novocaine blockade in modern recommendations is trigeminal neuralgia. Modern recommendations consider the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia with local anesthetics (novocaine or lidocaine) and anticonvulsants (gabapentin, pregabalin).

Regarding the comparison of the effect of these drugs on the pain syndrome, it is shown that the effect of analgesia when using drugs of similar concentration occurs after them almost simultaneously. Local analgesia develops as a result of chemical blockade of subluxated trigeminal branches due to the fact that drugs locally delay the conduction of nerve impulses in the main neuron sensitive to them, reducing the activity of sensory nerve fibers. But systemic anticonvulsants with long-term therapy in low doses (gabapentin 300-600 mg/day or pregabalin 75 mg) do not have an analgesic effect immediately, but after 1-3 weeks (in the early stages of treatment, the effectiveness of such drugs is low). Additional significant