Circular knife

A circular knife (C.C.) is a surgical instrument with a ring-shaped blade used for excision of soft tissues and tissues located under the skin. This type of knife was invented in the 19th century and became one of the most popular instruments in surgery.

N.ts. It has a ring-shaped blade, which allows it to easily penetrate tissue and not cause damage. The blade can be made of various materials such as steel, ceramic or plastic, making this knife a versatile tool.

Various types of N.c. are used for various purposes. For example, to remove tumors or excise tissue during skin surgery. N.ts. also used for cosmetic surgeries such as scar or tattoo removal.

One of the advantages of using N.ts. is its accuracy and safety. It allows the surgeon to accurately determine the boundaries of tissue excision and avoid damage to adjacent tissues. In addition, N.ts. Easily sterilized and can be reused without risk of infection.

Despite all the advantages of using N.C., it also has its disadvantages. For example, N.ts. may cause bleeding due to the high level of tissue trauma. In addition, the use of N.ts. requires highly qualified and experienced surgeons, as it can cause serious tissue damage.

In general, N.ts. remains one of the most popular instruments in surgical practice due to its accuracy, safety and versatility. However, its use requires a high level of skill and experience from the surgeon.

Circular knives are a special type of surgical instrument that is used to excise soft tissue at different angles and depending on the nature of the site of the manipulation area. In modern medicine, circular knives are used almost everywhere due to their effectiveness, safety and accuracy.

Thus, this type of tools refers to tools that help doctors in their work. For a more detailed analysis, it is worth taking a closer look at the purpose of this device. Purpose. Each type of tool has its own scope and specific purpose. So, circular scissors are used in various fields of medicine (surgery and cosmetology). It is worth noting the following areas of application of this tool: The field of surgical support includes operations such as appendictomy, hernia repair, ulcers and other procedures. Cosmetic procedures include procedures aimed at removing unwanted hair, as well as procedures performed in the field of aesthetic surgery. Possibilities. A professional surgical instrument provides not only ease of use, but also a high degree of accuracy (due to the presence of a special cutting surface and thin blade thickness), as well as high safety, since the cutting surface of the blades is located very close to the skin. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in order to be able to work as comfortably as possible, specialists use many auxiliary devices (devices for supplying vacuum, devices for tensioning the skin), the use of which, in turn, adds a number of additional devices to devices for home use.