Rib Scissors

Rib scissors (syn.: Costotome, Rib scissors-nippers) are a surgical instrument that is used to cut ribs and other soft tissues during chest surgery. They are long, thin scissors with sharp blades that allow you to quickly and accurately cut tissue without damaging surrounding structures.

Rib scissors were invented in the early 20th century and have since been widely used in chest surgery. They are an indispensable tool for performing operations on the lungs, bronchi, heart and other organs of the chest.

One of the advantages of Rib scissors is their high accuracy and safety. They allow the surgeon to easily and quickly cut soft tissue without affecting bone and other hard structures. This avoids complications and reduces the risk of postoperative complications.

In addition, the Rib Scissors have an ergonomic shape, which makes them convenient for use in confined chest spaces. In addition, they have special handles that provide reliable grip and control of the instrument during surgery.

However, like any surgical instrument, rib scissors require certain skills and experience from the surgeon. Therefore, before using Rib scissors, it is necessary to undergo training and obtain the appropriate certificate.

Overall, rib scissors are an important tool in chest surgery and help surgeons perform operations more efficiently and safely.

Rib scissors are a specialized instrument for surgical intervention, which is used by surgeons to perform bone operations and manipulations. They are intended for the treatment of rib structures during operations, especially during tumor processes, removal of pathological tissues and breast reconstruction, removal of cysts, tissue regeneration and installation of implants. As a rule, these instruments are made of high-quality medical steel, which guarantees long service life and high strength. The scissors have sharp blades, which makes the doctor's work easier and reduces the risk of injury to the patient's bone.

The use of rib scissors is associated with many pathologies and diseases, for example, breast fibroadenoma, mastopathy and other breast tumors, various injuries and disorders of breast development, unsuccessful attempts at breastfeeding, and also after breast removal surgery. During the procedure, the surgeon uses these scissors to remove damaged or diseased ribs to improve lung function, reduce pressure on the sternum, and reduce pain after surgery. Rib scissors can be used in a variety of medical fields, including surgery, thoracic surgery, plastic surgery and orthopedics. It is important to note that the use of these instruments requires highly qualified and experienced surgeons, since their incorrect or inept use can lead to serious complications. Therefore, before using rib scissors, it is necessary to undergo special training and certification.