Nux Vomica

Nut Vomit (Nux Vomica) is the seed of the plant Strychnos nux-vomica, which contains the poisonous alkaloid strychnine. This plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and Australia.

The seeds of the Nut Emetic are disc-shaped, about 2-3 cm in diameter. They are very hard, gray-brown in color. The seeds contain a poisonous alkaloid, strychnine, which can cause convulsions, paralysis and death if ingested.

In small doses, strychnine has a tonic effect and improves the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, Nut Emetic has been traditionally used in folk medicine in India and China. However, the use of this plant requires caution and precise dosing.

Symptoms of strychnine poisoning include nausea, vomiting, skeletal muscle cramps, and loss of consciousness. Nut Emetic poisoning can be fatal due to respiratory arrest. Therefore, this plant must be handled with extreme caution.

Nut emetic is a plant containing a poisonous alkaloid - strychnine. Nut emetic is used in folk medicine as a cure for many diseases. However, using nut emetic can cause serious side effects and even death. Therefore, you should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a doctor.

Introduction: Nut vomica (nux vomica), also known as Indian nut, is a valuable medicinal plant that has been used in traditional medicine since ancient times. In ancient times, this culture was used as a stimulating antidote, but over time it came to be considered a poison due to its strychnine content. Today, pharmaceutical companies are developing safe dosages of this plant, since its use is allowed even for a number of pathologies in adults and children. It is noteworthy that in terms of the activity of strychnine, the emetic nut is second only to botulism spores, and even the toxin formed when a cherry plant appears on the bark of a chestnut tree cannot compare with the poison of this nut.

Description of Nut Emetic: This nut grows in the Asian part of India and is the fruit of Strychnos spp. Its scientific name is Nux vomica. According to the myths and legends of the peoples of Asia, this fruit has mystical properties: it ensures youth, improves digestion, promotes better absorption of food, has medicinal properties, etc. It is believed that the Indians were the first to eat this nut. But caution and care when using this fruit should come first. The fact is that it contains strychnine - an essential alkaloid substance that can cause severe convulsions, vomiting, as well as severe stimulation of the nervous system. The human body has receptors that respond to chemicals from many plant foods. The nuts of the emetic plant are considered the strongest of those alkaloids that can cause hallucinations, have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system of a person and give him vigor and strength. Therefore, an overdose of this product is unacceptable. Even despite the fact that even in ancient China they used the remedy in folk medicine or medicine for minor skin damage. In the modern world, this product is associated with natural medicines, but one should not take it lightly and forget about the possible threat. The walnut tree itself is quite dangerous to human health. If a certain amount of strychnine is present in the pulp of the fruit, then the fruit may well be poisonous. Be very careful when purchasing this product! The vomiting nut must be carefully sorted and only completely intact kernels without damage must be used. Peeled nut seeds taste very bitter, so they can be rubbed with a brush. Half a teaspoon of the product is enough to create the desired effect due to the high concentration of trimethylamine hydrochloride.