About the natural natures of the stomach

A sign of the natural hot nature of the stomach is its good digestion of rough food, for example, cow and goose meat and other such foods, as well as the fact that it spoils tender and light food, for example, chicken meat and milk. Such a stomach better accepts nutrients with a hotter nature, and digestion of food increases appetite. The signs of a naturally cold nature are that there is no lack of appetite, but there is a lack of digestion, and such a stomach does not digest delicate and light food. It better accepts nutrients that are colder in nature. Signs of a dry natural personality: Thirst is common, but can be quenched by drinking a little, and after drinking a lot, the stomach feels heavy. The stomach better accepts nutrients that are drier in nature. Signs of a wet natural nature: thirst is rare and heavy drinking is easily tolerated without threatening to cause heaviness in the stomach. The stomach accepts wetter nutrients better.