About good, mature and healthy urine

This is urine that has a moderate consistency and a delicate lemon color. The sediment of such urine should have the above-mentioned qualities: colorlessness, lightness, smoothness, uniformity and sphericity of particles. In addition, the odor of the urine should be medium, not foul or weak.

If urine with such qualities is suddenly released during an extremely acute illness, then this serves as evidence that there will be an improvement the next day.

The urine of small children, due to their food and the moisture of their nature, is similar in state to milk and is almost colorless in color. The urine of adolescents is thicker and more cloudy than the urine of young men, and the foam contains more bubbles, as we mentioned above. The urine of young men is closer to the color of fire and is of medium thickness.

The urine of middle-aged people is almost colorless and liquid; sometimes, due to excessive secretion of excess, their urine is thick.

The urine of old people can be very liquid and colorless. The mentioned thickness also rarely appears in the urine. If their urine becomes very thick, this indicates the formation of stones.