Gaming equipment for the gym

Sport games have a special appeal. People who are not accustomed to regular physical education - and these are the people who come to general physical training groups - require significant volitional efforts to exercise on exercise machines or gymnastic equipment every day. At the same time, they play sports with great pleasure. The element of play and competition arouses interest in physical education and lifts the mood, which is why sports games are recommended for health centers at enterprises and outdoor sports grounds.

But sports games also have a drawback: a limited number of players. Take volleyball, for example: on a relatively large court, only 12 people play for about 40-60 minutes. In this case, 2-3 people in each team act quite intensively, while others passively watch the game most of the time.

Lessons can be done more saturated, if you do not play the entire game, but only its main elements:

  1. in basketball - shooting around the hoop,
  2. in volleyball - hitting the ball,
  3. in table tennis, hitting a ball with a racket.

At the same time, the game element is not lost:

  1. 1. the desire to hit the ball in the hoop,
  2. 2. accurately hit the ball in a certain area of ​​the tennis table, etc.

These problems are solved gaming simulators. Their use develops precision, eye, and reaction, while at the same time causing significant energy expenditure. There are quite a lot of designs of gaming simulators.

  1. Training devices used in basketball and handball.
  2. Training adapters for volleyball fans.
  3. “Table tennis simulator” and its components.

Training devices used in basketball and handball.

Consider, for example, a game simulator for improving ball passes by basketball and handball players in the face of opposition from an opponent, proposed by A. I. Bondar and A. A. Kharazyants. It consists of two panels measuring 2000x1700 mm, made of plywood and connected to each other so that the distance between them is 100 mm. The outer shield depicts basketball or handball players in the most typical poses for the game. Holes with a diameter of 550 mm mark the so-called vulnerable zones. The internal shield is made in the form of a propeller or propeller and is mounted on a movable gear connected by a bicycle chain to an electric motor gearbox. When it is turned on, the propeller begins to rotate, alternately opening and closing holes in the shield with images. Propeller rotation speed 50 rpm. The student sits at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the simulator and, proportioning his actions to the moments of opening the windows, throws the ball. Only if the throw is made accurately and on time will the ball fly through the window. Otherwise, it will be knocked off by the propeller. The device is usually used by two people: one throws the ball, the other catches it from the opposite side of the simulator and throws it back to the first one. Then the participants change places.

  1. get into exactly the same window several times in a row,
  2. get into all the windows one by one,
  3. get into windows in a random order, etc.

In the arsenal of coaches there is a device for teaching variable performance of actions with the ball: a) passes, b) hits, c) throws, etc. in various team sports. The device consists of a shield on which figures are drawn performing actions with the ball. The device is attached to the wall and used as a chop shield. Throwing (hitting, passing) the ball to one of the figures is performed either on command or when the signal light placed in the center of each figure lights up. You can attach several such shields to the wall of the gym and train the whole group at once.

Training adapters for volleyball fans.

The basis of a number of devices for improving actions with the ball (Fig. 1) is a frame-bracket, to which the ball is attached on a rigid or movable suspension. In this case, the ball can be placed both in the upper and, accordingly, in the lower position in relation to the student. When using the simulator, the student performs a hit, throw or pass, after which the ball returns (including automatically, with the help of various technical devices) to its original position.

The speed of reaction necessary for people of many professions is perfectly developed by the device proposed by E. I. Bobrovich (Fig. 1, d). It has an extremely simple design and consists of a wooden wall measuring 3000x2000 cm, to which rhombuses truncated into a cone are attached. The distance between the diamonds is 110-120 mm. The ball bounces off the backboard in a variety of directions and can vary depending on the distance between the diamonds. Numerous gym equipment based on this idea allow you to successfully simulate volleyball, basketball, handball, football and other actions with the ball.

Among the training devices for table tennis, we have chosen the three most simple ones. All of them were developed in VISTI (the author of the designs is I.V. Vsevolodov) and together they form the so-called “Complex table tennis simulator”:

"Crane" (Fig. 2, a) is used to serve balls to any point on the table. There are several similar designs (for example, air gun, shooting balls at a speed of 30-50 m/s), but the “Crane” is the simplest and most effective. It consists of a hopper (1) for balls (2) and a telescopic pipe with a chute (3). An electric motor equipped with an impeller captures the balls and feeds them through a pipe to the chute. Since the balls are light, the power of the electric motor is very low (5-10 W) and, accordingly, its dimensions are small.

The device can be attached to any part of the table. The telescopic pipe makes it possible to change the height from which the balls fall, and the chute rotates freely relative to the pipe so that the balls are directed to different points on the table. The balls fall on the table, bounce off, and are hit with a racket. The blows can be very different and directed to any point on the opposite half of the table.

Used to collect balls target — a trap measuring 1000x1000 or 1500x1500 mm (Fig. 2, b). It is covered with an ordinary mesh, the size of the cells is smaller than the diameter of the ball (36 mm). The target can also serve as a goal if the students are given the task of getting into a certain corner of it. The balls collected in the target traps are again poured into the Crane bunker for the next series of shots from the air gun.

By the way, since we mentioned the air gun again, I would like to say that this device is actively used in other outdoor sports. So, for example, an air gun is an indispensable tool in training tennis athletes, as well as numerous adherents of such a sport as skeet shooting... But, let’s return to the board game again... Let’s continue to study the equipment for table tennis, and consider the third device from the arsenal of professional tennis players.

As basketball simulator During training in the gym, an ordinary backboard with a ring is used, into which several people take turns throwing balls at once. A shield like a shooting target with marked zones and the number of points for hitting them is also used. If you make the zones movable and place electrical contacts under them, then entering a particular zone will be detected by the corresponding light coming on.

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